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Scholarships given by the Dean J. King Family Foundation:

Jimmy King Scholarships

These are awarded to seniors in each of the five Harrison  County schools. All information is sent to the schools. Applications will be available through the guidance counselors.  

A student may apply for any of the three following scholarships that apply to him/her: 

1. Those attending a four-year college or university 

 $5,000 for each of the first two years of their education 

2. Those attending a two-year community college or trade school 

 $5,000 for each of the first two years of their education 

3. Those attending a less than two-year accredited trade school program    

$5,000 (one time) 


Music Camp Scholarships

These are awarded to four students at each Harrison County  School. Two of the scholarships (up to $500 each) are for vocal students and two, for instrumental students. Students may attend the camp of their choice. Applications are available through the music teachers. 


Jimmy King Original West Harrison Scholarships

These are awarded to West Harrison seniors only through an application process. This is a continuation of the scholarships Jimmy started many years ago.

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